"Canyon Trap" Acrylic on wood, approx 23" x42", acrylic paint, textured background (In a Private Collection)

"Rite of Passage" 24"x 36" on Canvas Acrylic (In a Private Collection)

"3 brothers Hunt" Acrylic on wood, approx 24" x34", acrylic paint, textured background (In a Private Collection)

3 Brothers Hunt, detail

"Mammoth" Acrylic on wood, approx 15" x22", acrylic paint, textured background. After I finished the background, I could see that the dark area on the right was giving me the impression of a mammoth's forehead, so I painted a mammoth.

"2 Horses" Acrylic on wood, approx 6" x9", acrylic paint, textured background (In a Private Collection)

Acrylic on wood, approx 7" x9", acrylic paint, textured background (In a Private Collection)

Acrylic on wood, approx 6" x12", acrylic paint, textured background. Are the horses running between a lake and a wooded area? What do you see? (In a Private Collection)

"Where Horses Roam" Acrylic on wood, approx 8" x23", acrylic paint, textured background. The hunters have made their own map showing where the horses can be found and the position of their village. Watch out for the cougar hiding in the mountains to the north. (In a Private Collection)

2017 -Acrylic on Wood with textured background about 8" x 14" (In a Private Collection)

2017 -Acrylic on Wood with textured background About 9.5"x 12.5" (In a Private Collection)